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My Global Studies Interests


International Affairs

The ways in which different world leaders of varying backgrounds and ideologies collaborate is intriguing. Not only how people from opposite sides of the world can find common ground and communicate, but how they can represent entire nations, cultures, and ethnicities.



Around the world, nations use varying forms of government to dictate the actions of their citizens. Democracies and authoritarian governments must coexist within the same global network of goods, information, and people in order to prosper. The simple concept of humanity living under these dramatically different politics, and being divided by borders drawn on maps as well as language barriers is stimulating. Every human on the planet is the same by nature, but the deeper you dig you realize how diverse humans truly are because of varying ancestry, culture, and the geographic locations where people live.


International conflict, prevention

As the world evolves with growing technology, war itself has evolved with more powerful weapons and missiles, especially weapons of mass destruction. In war, a soldier can shoot a missile and see the missile demolish wherever it hits, but never see the soldiers or civilians on the other side of the attack. They can kill tens of people, but never see the bodies. While this aspect of war is not new whatsoever, it has grown increasingly savage as of late. I believe that non-violence is an idealistic aspiration that can never be fully attained, but can certainly be endeavored. As long as there is corruption where there is power, utter peace may not possible.

Climate Change

The environment, activism, global warming

Since the industrial revolution, our planet has slowly trended towards destroying itself, and these are the years where us global citizens control what happens for the rest of history. If we ignore Earth’s problems until it is too late, animals will go extinct, ecosystems will collapse, and the lives of us humans will drastically change too. Our generation and our descendants hold the future for mankind in the palms of our hands. With the help of activism and new regulations, our planet has the potential to save itself.

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